Friday, March 18, 2011

i don't why know you say goodbye and i say hello;

I've been waking up in "shock" for the past few days because I've been.. sort of.. oversleeping? Nights are spent in my floormates' rooms and we just end up eating meegee(aka mee goreng) and talking and talking and doing stupid shit like trying to shuffle or sing or girly talk!!! I KNOW, MY MIND CAN'T SETTLE DOWN. Not at all. Not with the kind of things that goes on in school.. 

School is.. pretty mind blowing. The kind of stuff you read and talk about is.. oh my god, that's never gonna happen in Singapore. So.. uh, Okay I don't really know what to say. My eyes have been blurry the past few days and I haven't even been on my laptop and shit man. I think it must be the tons of readings I have to do. That said, I WASTED FRIDAY AWAY BECAUSE IT'S MY FREE DAY AND I SPENT IT WALKING AROUND SCHOOL AND DOING STUPID ADMIN SHIT. 

Okay, I wanted to do a proper blog post but meeeehhhh, I think it's never gonna happen. Well whatever it is, I should start bringing a camera around to take photos of EVERYTHING AND EVERYWHERE :)

x L

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